Romantic Comedy

At Least I Found You

Fashion designer Mireille Jacob (Ice Neal) lives a humble life despite being a rich French girl. Her life is empty due to the constant argument between her mother, Brigitte (Judith Rosenbeuer) and her wealthy boyfriend, Francois (Gramme Edwards). Haven’t heard from her English father for two years, she’s determined to take a trip to London, UK, in search of him, where she meets Luke (Giles Alderson), the hotel owner’s son, in a jacket, whose arrogance she dislikes immediately. But when Luke opens his heart to her, vowing his love for her, she realises they are like one leaf that cannot do without each other if divided into two parts. He is not what she thought he was, and she is against everything he is not. She discovers some dark secrets, but Luke has stolen her heart with the help of Mr Toronto (Paul Lavers), a businessman, and this fills her with tremendous joy.

Further Reading:

A word from the director, Ice Neal.
How ‘At Least I found You,’ the romantic comedy, came to be.



Ice Neal

Ice Neal

Ice Neal , Giles Alderson, Paul Lavers, Judith Rosembeuer, Grahame Edward, Julien Agnew, Maya Lubinsky, Karen Lomas, Peter Anderson.