Ice Neal - Lee Nicholas Harris, Ric Cooper, Peter Silverleaf: The Unfathomable Mr. Jones Movie - The Soob Productions

Wimbledon Studio Wrap

Another week of super tight shooting has ended with the great satisfaction. Finally Mr Jones has left the building, the building being Wimbledon Film Studios where filming has taken place for 7 (non contiguous) days. The amazing sets have contribute massively to the story and add an incredible production value to the project. CSI style laboratory, C.I.D rooms, endless corridors, large board rooms and police station reception are among the sets where big part of Mr Jones story unfolds and the magical location has served well its purpose.

We can’t wait to go back to the Studios, maybe in the future, for new productions. In the meantime we are preparing for the last part of the shoot, which is due very soon, before the autumn washes away completely any hope for a sunny day :-)

Lee Nicholas Harris, Ric Cooper, Peter Silverleaf: The Unfathomable Mr. Jones Movie - The Soob Productions - Directed By Ice Neal