Ice Neal - Eva's Diamond Movie - The Soob Productions - BUFF

Eva’s Diamond at BUFF

On September 7, 2014, Eva’s Diamond made a powerful impact at the Genesis Cinema as part of the British Urban Film Festival. The screening was followed by a captivating panel discussion featuring the film’s director, Ice Neal, alongside talented actors Eddie Usher and Kyri Saphiris. The panel, moderated by the festival organizer, delved into the making of the film, the characters’ journeys, and the overall message behind Eva’s Diamond. The event provided a platform for engaging dialogue between the filmmakers and the audience, fostering a deeper appreciation for the film’s compelling narrative.

BUFF’s director, Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe Says:

The reason we’re so passionate about this job is because when BUFF watches films, we know that we’re watching stories that we all want to see –  we get excited knowing that audiences will be watching stories we all want to see. And yet with every passing year we ask ourselves what other stories do we want to see? And after the best part of 20 years, we’re pretty sure that audiences out there are asking the same question.