Eva’s Diamond Premiere: A Success !!!
On April 10, 2014, Eva’s Diamond made its grand premiere at the packed Screen 4 of Stratford Picture House. Nearly 150 people were captivated as they witnessed the unfolding story of a courageous mother determined to clear her son’s name of a false murder accusation. The audience experienced a rollercoaster of emotions, laughing, cheering, and even jumping in fear and surprise.
Before the screening, several cast members were interviewed by presenter David Pustansky as the audience arrived. Following a brief introduction by director Ice Neal, the lights dimmed, and the magic of the film began.
“It was amazing to see the reaction of the audience in real time, as the scenes were unfolding on the big screen. I saw them gasping, applauding and laughing and it was fantastic to see all these reactions for the first time.”(Ice Neal)
After the lights came back on, Ice Neal reached the stage and answered a few questions from the audience, which spanned from the big challenges the director faced on set, to more deep spiritual subjects regarding the inner motivations that moved Ice Neal to write such a rich and complex story, with deep religious themes.
A few comments from the audience:
“A very passionate piece of work. “Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe (British Urban Film Festival)
“A stunning piece of work. What fascinated me most of all was Ice Neal’s ability to create spirituality on screen which is notoriously a very difficult thing to do. And also I found her [Ice Neal’s] acting absolutely astonishing.” Mark Normandy (International School of Screen Acting)
“It’s phenomenal what she [Ice Neal] achieved. Not only she achieved it for little money but also she made a great film. Respect!” John Dodds (Merchant of Venice, Flawless)